Nirjungs Reisealbum
2Prem Khawas walks the road to Shyauli c.Nirjung.jpg
2a our Prem Khawas needs exrecise c.Nirjung.jpg
3Squadleader Nagendra's  long walk to Shyauli c.Nirjung.jpg
3a Squad Leader Nagenra and foreman Prem c.Nirjung.jpg
4broken down rocks c. Nirjung.jpg
5 It's a dark and cloudy day c.Nirjung.jpg
6 lanslide above the Saure Banjang road to Ram Bazaar 1 c. Nirjung.jpg
7road block 1 c. Nirjung.jpg
8 road blocked again. Nirjung.jpg
9road block no 3 c Nirjung.jpg
10 the road has narrowed c. Nirjung.jpg
11 next bus stop c.Nirjung.jpg
12sorry...has to go back c. Nirjung.jpg
13, the absolute end of the road c
14 let's walk into the short cut here c. Nirjung.jpg
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